Differing from other limiters – whether inspired by vintage analogue units or newly developed for the digital domain – C-Max employs a unique low-latency algorithm that can deliver greater transparency or, when wanted, a wide range of coloured and aggressive effects. It's easy to master, quick and simple to use, and the results can be superb.
For limiting and maximising, the solution... is C-Max
Key features:
It uses a unique method of frequency-aware processing that provides more transparent limiting with fewer unpleasant artefacts than other limiters
It provides a wide range of effects ranging from clean limiting to extreme maximising and creative distortion
With just three parameters, it is very simple to set up and intuitive in use
Its real-time display provides much more information about the process than simple metering
It can be used equally effectively for vocals, instruments and mixes
It processes with low latency (<15ms)
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